In the End – the Beginning
I returned to camp after spending a long magical day roaming the plains of the Mara in Kenya/East Africa.
Nowhere else on this planet had I ever felt the Mother’s raw, powerful, glorious presence as I did in this part on the African continent. And then She spoke to me…
That was the day my life changed. As a part of me perished, a larger aspect of my being emerged. I knew I had to figure out how I could bottle Nature’s mystery, Her secrets, Her wisdom, Her beauty, Her love, and Her Fragrance…
I vowed to honour Her offerings, to abide by Her laws and practice sincerity and integrity in the stewardship for all Her earthly kingdoms – mineral, plant, animal and mankind.
Sacred Anointing RollOns
All QintEssentia Sacred Anointing Blends are layered blends
built over a number of days
in alignment with planetary movements, the primary focus being the Moon cycle
in observance of the four Elements – Water/Fire/Earth/Air
drawing on Hermetic sciences – Numerology, Tarot
Alchemised with Sacred Geometry and Sound
in a base of certified organic Jojoba
Please Note: due to the nature of the roller ball packaging and associated hygiene issues, we are unable to accept return products.
Miron Violet Glass packaging adds protection and preservation qualities, while the violet colour frequency enhances the potency of sacred self-care products.

The Hero's Journey - Sacred Anointing Oil for Mindful Self Anointing
10ml - $49 plus postage
The Heroine in me salutes the Hero in You! Each and every one of us is a Hero. Individually, as well as collectively, we all are on our own heroic journey! LIFE IS THE JOURNEY – being birthed into Life takes courage, so does surrendering to the completion of It.
My inspiration for this blend is largely based on the work of the great mythology scholar Joseph Campbell. He described his ideas on how to achieve wholeness of Being in his book The Hero with a Thousand Faces.
In addition, Christians all around the world have been alluding to Jesus's mission, as portrayed in the Bible, being synonymous with the Hero's Journey.
I am also drawing on the mythology of Chiron. This centaur is responsible for Prometheus’ release from imprisonment on the top of a mountain. Chiron, the Wounded Healer, surrenders his circumstances and conditions, gives them over to a Higher Power in return for good to come to all, and ends up turning into the heavenly constellation of Sagittarius. Astrologically placed at 4 degrees Taurus, the Chiron Point, in all conditions and circumstances when activated in someone's birth chart, a higher purpose is achieved. All strife and struggle are proven worthwhile in the end. The Hero, as he returns to Self, is redeemed. Chiron is the ruler over that journey.
This Anointing Oil is indeed sacred, as it assists us in celebrating the quest we are finding ourselves on – the quest for Meaning and Purpose, encompassing Peace, Joy, Compassion and Love, while in embodiment during turbulent times on this glorious Planet Earth.
The scent of this blend is captivating in that it carries the feeling of the alluring Wilderness we have to cross on our travels before we can traverse the Rainbow Bridge and find 'THE POT OF GOLD at the end of the rainbow.' It is not A pot of gold. It is THE pot of gold. This pot of gold is the “gold of the soul.” The gold of the Soul is our spiritual connection to Divinity.
Proprietary Blend containing: Frankincense^, Juniper berry*, Leleshwa^, Blue Mountain Sage^, Petitgrain*, Rosemary*, Clary Sage*, May Chang, Myrrh^, Osmanthus absolute, Laurel leaf*
*organic, ^wild crafted
Leleshwa and Blue Mountain Sage are native to Kenya/East Africa. Leleshwa leaves are used by men and women of the Maasai tribe to fragrance their homes and as a personal scent, by wearing garlands of fresh leaves. This plant is a tenacious survivor, a necessary quality for the Hero to embody.
Blue Mountain Sage (Salvia stenophylla), different from common Garden Sage (Salvia officinalis), carries the essence of the Lion. The Lion is synonymous with strength, assertiveness, courage and personal power, all necessary attributes for reaching our heroic goal - the Rainbow Bridge. While the lioness is considered to be a lunar animal, in many ancient cultures the lion is a solar animal symbol. Hence, we have both feminine and masculine energies assisting us in conquering challenges along our Journey.
Suggested Application – deeply inhale from the center of palms. Select up to three areas for anointing at any one time: elbow creases, wrist creases; heart chakra, solar plexus chakra; behind ears, behind knees, around ankles, soles of the feet.
Breathe deeply, center the mind, and feel your inner strength; visualise the courageous You embark on the quest of your calling, but now in a new Golden Age. You may choose to invoke your own spirit guides, angels, teachers, or ask Chiron to be your travel companion...
Contra-indications: None known. It is always recommended to perform a patch test if you have sensitive skin.

Merlin's Grove - Sacred Anointing Oil for Mindful Self Anointing
10ml $47 plus postage
This is a deeply relaxing and calming blend, designed to uplift, restore a disquieted heart, soothe a troubled mind, and reinstate hope.
A profound and mystical blend, Merlin’s Grove will take you to the realm of Creative Imagination – that special place within, which you retreat to, when you wish to dream your very own unique world into reality. Merlin is the mythical Magician who assists you in seeing the small miracles in the Natural World around you. Miracles and Magic become again part of the Re-Enchantment of your Everyday Life. Looking through the lens of child-like eyes allows us to realise - LIFE IS A MIRACLE!
Proprietary Blend containing Muhuhu* (African Sandalwood), Palo Santo^, Elemi^, Vetiver*, Labdanum resinoid^, Angelica root*, Lavender*, Rose absolute, Wild Orange*
*organic, ^wild crafted
Suggested Application – deeply inhale from the center of palms. Anoint one to three areas at any one time: elbow creases, wrist creases; heart chakra, solar plexus chakra; behind ears, behind knees, around ankles,
soles of the feet.
Breathe deeply, centre the mind, and project your most secret desires onto the screen of your inner vision.. Dream BIG!! and know you are a conscious, co-creative force in Union with the Divine.
Contra-indications: it is always recommended to perform a patch test if you have sensitive skin. Wild Orange can potentially photo-sensitise exposed areas on sensitive skin, depending on length of sun exposure.

Amoris Donum - Sacred Anointing Oil for Mindful Self Anointing
10ml, $42, plus postage
A Gift of Love - Reaching out across borders, cultures and language.
Uniting the fellowship of mankind and womankind in pursuit of brotherhood, peace and goodwill - representing the core of the imminent Age of Aquarius.
Amoris Donum epitomises the giving of love to everyone receiving this Anointing Oil. In turn, it's use allows this sacred vibration to be passed on and shared with all that are touched by the giver's field.
Proprietary Blend containing: Palo Santo^, White Cypress Leaf^, Sandalwood^, Jasmine absolute, Frankincense^, May Chang
*organic, ^wild crafted
Suggested Application – deeply inhale from the center of palms. Anoint one to three areas at any one time: elbow creases, wrist creases; heart chakra, solar plexus chakra; behind ears, behind knees, around ankles, soles of the feet.
Breathe deeply, center the mind, and visualise the bond connecting you with the person/s who gifted you this sacred oil. Feel the scent vibration ripple out into the ether, linking and stirring one and all you will encounter during your day.
Contra-indications: None known. It is always recommended to perform a patch test if you have sensitive skin.